If you’ve spotted an error on your uploaded map, then you can use the Update map file or pricing option to replace the map file without having to create a new map listing. This option is generally recommended for correcting maps with:
- Graphical Errors
- Text/ Metadata Errors
- Georeferencing Errors
Click on one of your maps within your vendor site to bring up its Edit Product page. On the right side bar, click on Update this map under the Actions menu.
Actions sidebar
Update this map popup
A popup will appear with a few options:
Create a new version - This option is another way for publishers to update their maps, it’s recommended for when you wish to update a map that has a new version available, would like to notify users about it and charge for the update. It’s generally used for:
- Updating yearly editions of maps
- Adding new data onto a map
- Fixing significant errors
New versions of maps can be offered to users who have previously purchased the map at full price, a discounted price or for free. They will also be notified within the app when a new version is available.
For more information about versioning, please read the support article: Versioning
Update Map File or Pricing - As stated above, this option is for fixing text/metadata, minor graphical errors and georeferencing errors. Users who have previously purchased/downloaded the map will receive the update for free and not be notified. They will need to delete and re-download the map from their Purchase History to see the map file changes. Any new users who download the map will receive the latest map file that you uploaded.
Select Update Map File or Pricing. The popup will change to notify you that your map will be placed in the Prepare state. Click Yes, update this map to continue.
Update Map File or Pricing popup
This automatically takes your existing map listing from For Sale and puts it in the Prepare state so that you may edit the map file. Now, click Upload an update map file.
Edit Product page side panel with Upload an updated map file highlighted
You’ll now be prompted to upload a new map file. The file you upload will replace the existing map file completely, so users who have purchased the map in the past will automatically get access to the new map should they re-download it. Once it has uploaded, the map will begin processing on our servers.
Add a New Map prompt
You can make any necessary changes to the map information or pricing from the map’s Edit Product page. When the map file is done processing, click Submit for Review to send your map for review. Once it is approved, it will be released into the Map Store and put into the For Sale state.
Actions side panel
Map Bundles
Please note that if the map being updated is in a bundle, the map in the bundle will be automatically updated when you replace the map file.
your help needs hyperlinks in the instructions.
I'm unable to find the page being to click.
Hi Kyle, Thank you for your post!
Sorry to hear you are having issues with the app update. Please reach out to us if you have more questions, via support.avenzamaps.com/hc we'd be happy to help!
Avenza Support
Hi Edgar, Historiska GIS-kartor here. Any hyperlinks yet as mentioned above? If you are traveling and at just mobil without computer it had been VERY useful as it it hard to find
br Goran Bengtsson
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