Avenza Maps allows the import of custom map features for use on maps both online and offline. Map Features include placemarks, tracks, lines, and areas.
Users can import map features through either the Map Layers menu or the Layers tab. Both ways are largely identical, with the primary difference being that by importing through the Map Layers menu, the features are automatically linked to that map. Alternatively, if the features are instead imported through the Layers tab, users can choose which maps to link the features to (or simply leave them unlinked). There is also the ability to link map feature layers to more than one map without having to export and import the layer each time.
Supported import formats
Currently, the following formats are supported for import:
- KML/KMZ - feature and attribute schemas
- GPX - feature data only
- Shapefile* - feature data only
*Shapefiles require a Pro Subscription, as well as the appropriate files combined together in a ZIP folder in order to successfully import (.shp, .shx, .prj, and .dbf)
Import sources and options
There are several options available when importing features:
- Recently Used - Allows you to choose from a list of previously used layers (ideal when importing Map Features from Email, or if using the same feature layer on multiple maps). This option can be used for offline importing
- Import Schema Only (KML/KMZ) - Allows you to import an attribute schema with no extra map features
- Import as Geofences - Allows you to automatically create geofences on the features imported. For more information see the article available here
- Link to Maps (Layers tab only) - Allows you to choose which maps (if any) to link the layers to on import
From iTunes File Sharing (iOS/
) - Allows you to access your iTunes File Sharing storage. This option is ideal for offline importing.
- From Dropbox - Allows you to connect to Dropbox to import features. Please note this option does require an internet connection and access to a Dropbox account
- Cloud storage or device - Allows you to navigate your device storage or connect to any cloud storage app you have downloaded on your device to import features.
- From the Web - Allows you to import features by entering an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URL.
*Shapefiles require a Pro Subscription, as well as the appropriate files combined together in a ZIP folder in order to successfully import (.shp, .shx, .prj, and .dbf)
Importing map features
To import map features, navigate to the Map Layers menu or the Layers tab:
*Note: the option to choose to link the features to one or more maps is only available when importing from the Layers tab. If importing via the Map Layers menu, the features will automatically be linked to the current open map.
- Tap
- Select 'Import layers'
- Choose which settings (if any) to apply on import
- Optionally, choose which maps to link the features to
- Choose where you want to import from
- Navigate to the file(s) you want to import, select them and confirm your choice
- Tap
- Choose which settings (if any) to apply on import
- Optionally, choose which maps to link the features to
- Choose where you want to import from
- Navigate to the file(s) you want to import, select them and confirm your choice
1 comment
I've got a new phone. I have figured out how to import my previously purchased maps; however, NONE of the waypoints (hundreds of them) have come across with the maps.
Surely there is a way to get back my waypoints? If not, this is a definite gamebreaker.
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