What's new
Avenza Maps 4.0 or New Horizons provides a completely updated UI, including new colors, a new logo, and a whole new look and feel. This release has been a long time coming and is jam-packed with fixes and some tweaks "under the hood" which will pave the way for some new and exciting features to come!
Changes that users can expect to see in 4.0 include:
- App rebranded
- Map Store redesigned
Map List
- Improved map thumbnails
- Thumbnails won't process with white space on the first open
- “Select/Deselect All” functionality added
- Added a map loading progress bar
- Fixed issue where maps added to a collection would be stuck in “Determining Progress”
- [Android] Removed: Aggressive memory usage
- [iOS] Import in HD,
- Added: Limit Zoom levels
- [iOS] Save to Avenza Maps album
- [iOS] Improved: Use Magnetic North, ‘Keep all fixes’ display error
- Fixed issue with importing maps from Dropbox doesn’t import all selected maps
- Fixed map rendering issue where map imported in greyscale
- KMLs with no layer name now import using the file name
- Removed option to export “As Track” when CSV is selected
- SHP and GPX now export a track as a line or a track
- Fixed issue with .avenzampas files not importing via QR on Android
- “Unable to Import” message erroneously appears on paused imports addressed
- Fixed issue where UTM coordinates were not exporting correctly to CSV
- Improved messaging when exporting empty CSVs to align iOS and Android
- Added multi-select when importing from Dropbox
- Tracks can now be exported as aggregated points in shapefile
- Align layer import dialogues between iOS and Android
- Improved auto-complete from URL import dialogue
- “Select/Deselect All” functionality added to the custom export dialogue
Map Store
- The current location is now displayed when browsing the Map
- Improved registration process
- Infinite scrolling map list
- Advanced filtering
- Recategorization (activities and categories)
- Map Store redesign
- Improved subscription screens
- Replacing “Vendor” with “Publisher”
Map Viewer
- Orientation reflected in location icon
- Display error in the 'Easting / Northing' coordinate display format If map is not projected
- Magnetic North will now be recognized when using Course and Distance
- Some maps displaying blurry since 3.15 have been addressed
- Fixed issue with shifting MGRS grids
- Fixed issue where adding data to large collections of data causes them to disappear
- Fixed issue where Course up indicator was not always appearing
- Map Viewer and action bar can now be minimized on Android
- “Show Unlimited” warning added when importing large layers
- The default crosshair color is now black
- Setting to set the maximum zoom level
- Fixed issue where Course up indicator was not always appearing
- Added clearer error messaging in numerous places
- Rotating the screen no longer makes buttons on the intro screen disappear
- Emailing debug log no longer sends a duplicate
- Certain maps no longer disappear when zooming
- Fixed naming issue for photos attached to placemarks
- Improved messaging for unsupported symbol set filetypes
- Improvements to the “Edit Description” workflow to align iOS and Android
- Align photo renaming process between iOS and Android
- Fixed crash when deleting attribute values from a picklist
- Fixed issue where maps lost accurate referencing after updating
- Layers will now inherit attributes from features moved into those layers
- Remove ‘Root Layer’ from Android to align with iOS
- ‘Enable/Disable All’ added to symbol visibility page
- Keep time/date stamp from the image when exporting KML/KMZ
- Ability to delete custom picklist values
- Draw and Measure tool changed to have "Add Point" button, in preparation for a later release that allows editing nodes and vertices
J'ai importé la carte de la ZEC des Martres, entre autres.
Sur cette carte n'apparaît pas la ligne de transmission qui traverse la région.
Pourtant cette indication serait vraiment importante et permet de mieux se situer.
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas sur la carte ?
Existe-t-il d'autres versions de carte où on la verrait ?
Bonjour Marie-Claude,
Merci pour votre commentaire. J'ai créé un ticket d'assistance pour vous et nous vous mettrons en contact avec notre équipe de la boutique de cartes pour vous aider à trouver les cartes dont vous avez besoin!
Avenza Support
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