Move placemark



  • Official comment

    Hi Andreas,

    I just tested this, and was able to move a placemark and edit the coordinates in Avenza Maps 4.1.3.  Can you please try restarting the app and try again?  Can you please also confirm that the layer isn't locked, as this would prevent you from moving or editing placemark details?

    If you are still having problems, if you can please take a screen recording and share it with us via the contact form above, that would be great!


    Avenza Support

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  • Andreas Oxenstierna

    I succeded to move a placemark after several trial-errors. It seems to be much more sensitive to select a placemark in this version than before. This is also true to just touch a placemark to show its name. I assume the relatively low screen resolution on my Motorola M4 interferes.
    I could move a placemark easier on iPhone 7 - but still more cumbersome than in earlier versions.
    Is there any parameter to control the screen sensitivity?

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  • Andreas Oxenstierna

    When I enlarged the size of the placemark to 125%, it works as good as in the earlier versions.

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