CarPlay App Request



  • Cole Wear

    I would also like to see this feature. It would benefit myself, and the staff in my office.

    The largest benefit would be safety. Our staff use the app with custom made Maps that show where our operations are, and are constantly needing to review them while on the road and while navigating to the sites. Having the ability to display the map within your vehicles, dashboard would be much safer than having a tablet mounted.

    Second benefit would be increasing productivity as it would allow our operators to navigate using the Maps within the vehicles seamlessly

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  • Mark

    Same request for CarPlay integration.  I would like to use Avenza maps (Benchmark in particular) on a motorcycle.  The vibration of a handlebar mount kills the anti-vibration mechanism in iPhone cameras, so I have an CarPlay display that I attach to the bike, keeping the expensive phone in my pocket.  This works well with Google Maps and Gaia GPS, but I would prefer to use Benchmark on Avenza.

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  • Fred Verheyde

    Hello. Supporting the request. Modern vehicles commonly have a screen with connectivity with Carplay. Having access to Avenza on the vehicle’s screen through Carplay would be a logical and significant improvement for Avenza. For info, I mostly use Avenza when driving through remote parts of Australia, using dowloaded topo maps (or other) where no other detailed mapping is available. Thanks Avenza for a very useful product.

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  • CS1

    My use case is navigation and tracking my route so I can find my way back on forest roads, basically what GaiaGPS does, just using Avenza since it’s stable.

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  • CS1

    Also if the follow up question is why not use your phone? It’s illegal and my car has a bigger screen that’s easier to read.

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  • Duane Joslyn

    I agree. As we travel the back country with our jeep it would be great to be able to use Avenza Other mapping programs require cell service and don’t have the same awesome abilities of Avenza

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  • David Dorsey

    I am enthusiastically supporting this feature request.  CarPlay and Android Auto devices are starting to become widely available for motorcycles and other backcountry vehicles (see Carpuride, PoDoFo and others).  OnX Maps and GaiaGPS are supporting this technology, which is a gamechanger for motorized backcountry travelers.  The use case is that the apps on a multifunction device like an iPhone or Android Phone are much more feature-rich than single-function devices like Garmin Zumo, etc.  But phones are typically delicate, hard to read in direct sunlight, and too small for live tracking while traveling.  Having the phone apps for navigation like Avenza viewable on a Carplay or Android Auto display device is soon going to be widely expected.

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  • Geoff Cross

    I would also like to request Apple CarPlay functionality. Then I could utilise my $120 worth of maps I have purchased for National Park exploration.

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  • Scott Beauchamp

    I work for for the BC Wildfire service and I would say that 95% of our field staff use Avenza. Navigating to remote areas of BC to and route planing all over the province are improved significantly by the use of this app. Having the app be integrated with a CarPlay capability would be a huge advantage. There are definitely safety benefits that would come with this allowing staff to navigate more seamlessly to remote areas using custom maps and keeping their eyes on the road. It may also improve response time to emerging incidents, where time matters in getting to new fires quickly.

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  • Carsten Kraut Flux Groundwater

    I work at a remote exploration camp in Western Australia. Everyone here uses Avenzamaps - on their phones. Mostly with having a second person in the car to assist navigation.  It would be much more convenient and safer if this could be cast onto the screen in the car via CarPlay or Android. Other mapping apps can do this and it appears a major deficit that Avenzamaps cannot.  

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  • Tim Fulton

    I would also love to see Android Auto / Apple Car Play for Avenza. Plenty of Australia is completely without mobile coverage so we rely heavily on offline features. If Avenza added vehicle display integration, it would be the absolute GOAT for remote navigation. 

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  • Marc Belanger

    I fully support the request for integrating Avenza Maps into Apple CarPlay. As someone who frequently navigates back roads while hunting and fishing, having access to detailed offline maps is essential for safety and convenience.

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  • johnmul61

    Just adding my voice to the CarPlay integration requests.
    Great software, but I’d love to be able to use it through the car screen, particularly given the laws around mobile phone use while driving.

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  • Stephan Matti

    Hi Erik,

    Thank you for your post/feature request. 

    Before filing this feature request, more details would be appreciated. For example in terms of workflow and benefit, we would like to know how the addition of this feature improves your workflow and app experience.

    This helps to ensure that if this feature is added to the app, it is as you expected to look and engage with.

    Please let me know and if you have any other questions.



    Avenza Support

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