Lost map/pins
Official comment
Hi Stevenson Family,
Thank you for your post.
When you open the app, please double check the "Layers" tab to see if your data/layers are still there.
If you had previously backed-up the map features of the data/layer or exported the map features out of the app you will be able to import them back into the app. The following links offers details and images on importing map features to the app (for Android) and importing maps :
- Importing map features to a map - https://support.avenzamaps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035072972-Importing-map-features-to-a-map
- Importing maps from custom locations - https://support.avenzamaps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034714392-Importing-maps-from-custom-locationsIf the map features are not in the "Layers" tab, you have not backed-up or exported the data out to import later, or are on a different device, unfortunately the data is lost.
The Avenza Maps app does not make copies of custom imported maps or map features such as routes/tracks and placemarks for confidentiality reasons. This is because the data created may contain sensitive information. This also applies for Free, Plus and Pro accounts.
If you have any other questions please reach out via https://support.avenzamaps.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
Avenza Support
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