Order of Attribute Schema
I have created a schema on an Android device where I have numbered the attributes so they appear in a certain order. When exporting this schema and importing into Avenza Maps on IOS the attribute fields order randomly.
Is there a way to ensure the attributes appear in alphabetical order?
Official comment
Hi Pauline,
With the rebrand, the default ordering scheme was changed from alphabetical to the order in which attributes were created, and we also added the ability to manually re-order attributes by drag-and-dropping them in the 'Edit Layer' menu.
However, there is currently a bug that is causing manually re-ordered attribute schemas not to be saved correctly after exporting them. Until we get it fixed, you will have to manually reorder the attributes on iOS to be the order you want.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions: https://support.avenzamaps.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Support Specialist
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