Should a client own or manage their Avenza Map?



  • Official comment

    To better understand your issue more details for context would be appreciated. Please reach out to us, via we'd be happy to help!

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  • Bruce Willett

    Actually I am looking at the same issue.  I am not sure if my client would be interested and it would add to my portfolio. 

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  • Steve Gordon

    Edgar...this isn't a Support Issue. It's really a best-practices request directed to other Publishers.

    What's their experience with their clients? Do their clients prefer to "control" their own Map Store rather than have their Avenza Maps controlled by the Publisher (in my case, me)?

    And if the client wants to control their Avenza Maps, then I would assume they simply sign up at Avenza as a Publisher. My job going forward would simply be to send them the appropriate GeoPDF file and their responsibility is to upload it to their Map Store.

    The trade-off is that for their control of their map(s), I don't get to show their maps in my Map Store. That's probably lopsided--giving my clients control may outweigh any benefits for attracting new clients by their visiting my Map Store. I can advertise my Avenza Maps products via website and social media.

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  • Rebecca

    Hi Cartagram,

    I'm Rebecca from the Map Store Team, in my experience dealing with a large handful of our publishers, this is what I'd recommend! If the map will always be free, I think it would be best for you to upload it to your account for the time being. If the client would later like to manage the map, it can be transferred between accounts, you only need to let us know through the support centre and we'd be happy to transfer the map. 

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  • Steve Gordon

    Thank you, Rebecca. Glad to hear your experience in having worked with other publishers.

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