Placemark Details Location Datum Display



  • Official comment

    Hi Rodney,

    Thank you for your post and request, it is appreciated!

    To get a bigger picture of your request, more details would be appreciated. Such as how this addition would fit into your workflow and why your workflow would benefit from it.

    Please reach out to us via so we can file a feature request with a complete understanding of what improvement you would like to see in the app.

    Thank you!


    Avenza Support

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  • Rodney Thorn


    A coordinate is only really meaningful when you know which datum it is associated with.  Avenza doesn't directly indicate to a user which datum a coordinate is associated with.  You have to know a system setting as well as the datum of the map you are using, to know what datum a coordinate is associated with.

      I use custom maps provided to me, and they come in various projections and datums.  So I have to search around the app itself to work out what datum a coordinate is associated with.   It is a bit of a PITA.

    I think that it would improve the app usability if you displayed the datum a coordinate was associated with.  For example   -> --23.867632, 148.138781  WGS84

    Or For example   -> --55 615950 E 7359962 S  WGS84

    Or For example   -> --23.867645, 148.138774  GDA94

    Including The Edit Location page when Adding a Placemark, as well as when viewing an existing Placemark's Details-Location.  Also on the location tab on the menu at the bottom of the map display.


    Rod Thorn



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  • Marco Garces

    I second the above feature request, and would like to expand on it. I generate my maps with ArcGIS and I use several datums: WGS84 usually for data taken from external sources, plus Magna Sirgas (Colombian CSR with 5 different datums) plus the new unified Magna Sirgas Origen Nacional, with just one datum but it's different from any of the 5 from the previous CSR. It would be very useful if Avenza Maps made the user aware of the map datum, not only when adding placemarks, but at all times. Maybe an indicator on the map display? Avenza Maps is fully aware of the map datum, since it's shown in the map information window:


    But when selecting coordinate display format, it can get confusing:



    The pic above is from one of my maps. The coordinates under the "Easting, Northing" label correspond to the Magna Sirgas Origen Nacional datum, but that information isn't shown in the list, or anywhere on the map display. The other coordinates are properly identified as belonging to one CSR/datum or another.

    Please let us know if you think it's possible to add this feature to your excellent app.


    Thank you.

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