Plot Photos is an alternate way to create a placemark and add the photo. Rather than the traditional method of creating a placemark and then manually adding the photo to it, Plot Photos uses geotagged photos to automatically create a placemark based on the coordinates embedded within the photo. This is ideal if you are taking pictures (ensuring that they are geotagged when you take them - most phones can do this and have it available within the camera settings), and then want to plot them on a map afterward.
To plot photos:
- Have a valid map open that covers the area required
- Tap , then tap Plot Photos
- If necessary, choose an app to complete the action (e.g. tap Gallery)
- On the Photo Browser, select photos, and tap Import
- Placemark will be added at the location based on the geotagged photo
The tool will only allow you to select photos that fall within your map extents. Additionally, the results will be placed into a new layer titled Photo Library and not your active layer.
Although only geotagged photos can be added to the map using the Plot Photos tool, you can still add photos from any location to an existing placemark. In order to ensure your photos contain location information, you will need to ensure that location tags are enabled in the device’s Camera App Settings and Privacy Location Services settings if applicable. There may also be permission requirements that Avenza Maps needs for this tool to work.
On an existing placemark, tap the information icon of the placemark label, then tap Photos. Tap and attach a photo from the Camera or Photo Library. You can attach multiple photos to a placemark. A number at the corner of the photo on the placemark label indicates how many photos are attached. The first photo attached is the one displayed in the placemark label.
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