Importing GPX/KML Limitations
I am trying to import a GPX and/or KML file as a layer. There are over 2,000 waypoints in the file. When I view the file in Avenza, many of the points are missing. Is there a limit to how many waypoints or features can be in one file?
Official comment
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your question! You might have "Enable Placemark Aggregation" toggled on in the app (placemarks in close proximity to each other will be clustered into a single marker showing the number of placemarks). The follow link offers details on this and how to change it if desired -
Technically there is no limit, but the capacity to process large amounts of data is dependent on the space available in your internal storage and RAM to process the data. If you have more questions please reach out to us via, and if possible send the imported file so we can investigate on our end. Thank you!
Avenza Support
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