Is it possible when importing a KMZ with Photos that they appear within the Avenza attached to waypoint?


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Michael Ding

    Hi Dave,

    If these are KMZ files with Photos attached to Map Features generated from Avenza Maps, then yes, the images should go along with the import into Avenza Maps, and be attached to the Map Feature(s) in question.

    However, if they are made in other softwares, such as Google Earth, or other GIS-related software, the behavior may not be entirely consistent with how KMZ files generated by Avenza Maps will behave upon import. If you'd like, you can email us at, and we can take a look at this file more extensively via a ticket.

    If you have any further questions or issues, please feel free to reach out to the Support Team here: Contacting Support. 


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