

  • Official comment

    Hi Thomas,

    Thank you for contacting Avenza Support. Prior to version 3.15 of the app, our app would automatically downscale maps unless an option to force full resolution imports was selected. With the release of the 3.15 update, we introduced a new map viewer which would automatically import the maps in high resolution, so the option to force full resolution imports was removed.
    However, our users reported many performance issues with the 3.15 update and subsequent patches, with large maps taking upwards of an hour to process, so the function to automatically reduce the DPI was re-enabled in 3.15.3. The downsampling function works by reducing maps that are over 4 million pixels in size down to 150 DPI (from the default 300 DPI import resolution), and maps that are over 12 million pixels in size down to 72 DPI.
    We are re-enabling the option for HD imports (PDF Resolution on Import), which will be included in a patch which is scheduled for release this week (version 3.15.4 for iOS devices). For Android devices, all imported maps will automatically import in HD. There are plans to possibly bring back PDF Resolution on Import in a future Android release.
    Avenza Support
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  • Duff Warnock

    I have the new Avenza Maps on my Samsung Tablet and the resolution on my access maps is so poor it is not useable.  How do we get the maps to download in high resolution on an andriod device?


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  • Duff Warnock

    Can I go to an older version of Avenza Maps, one where I can set the import resolution on an Android map import?  If so, how do I do this?

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  • Edgar

    Hi Duff,

    Thank you for contacting Avenza Support. If you have an older operating system the following link offers information and access to download APKs -

    If you need further help or have other questions you can email us via

    Avenza Support
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  • Duff Warnock

    I had 2 questions:

    1)  Is there a way I can set the import resolution on an Android device.  It is clearly importing at a low resolution on my larger maps.  I am not the only one with this issue.

    2) Can I load an older version of Avenza Maps so I can have the import resolution option?  My OS is up to date, not an old version.

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  • Edgar

    Hi Duff,

    To clarify which version of the app do currently have on your device and which OS do you have? For example version 3.15.5 and OS Android 11 for example. You can confirm the version number by opening the app, going to the menu icon (3 dots) in the upper right corner and tapping on Settings. You should see on the screen (you may have to scroll) the version number. This will help us get more context, to help you. Knowing which OS you have will also let us know which APK you may need.

    Also if you go to Settings > General, please let me know if you see the option of "PDF resolution on import", depending on your app version the wording may differ. Tapping on that should offer options on resolution on import.

    Thank you.

    Avenza Support
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  • Duff Warnock


    I have version 3.15.4 build 10 ARCH64.  I just checked for updates and it says none available. 

    I do not have the option of PDF resolution on import.

    My android OS is 11.

    Thank you for the help.


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  • Duff Warnock

    We figured this out.  I needed to update my version of the app to 3.15.5.  This version has the dpi import settings.

    Thank you all for your help.

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