Map Information includes things such as title, a detailed description of the map, and under 'Advanced Options', the map's projection details for iOS users. You can access the Map Information from two separate locations: the Map View and Map List.
Maps List
For all users, from the My Maps page, tap beside any map, and select 'Information' from the dropdown menu. The map information will be displayed.
Map View
When viewing a map, simply tap located at the top right corner beside the search icon.
iOS Map info and Advanced Options
The details contained within the Map Info (projection information, size, etc.) can help you determine which coordinate display format is the best to use (e.g. if you see the map is projected in a UTM coordinate system, you can use the Easting and Northing display format or the UTM display format). In addition, the size information can help give you an indication of how far in and out you'll be able to zoom on the map. When troubleshooting certain issues, this information may be key to help Technical Support staff resolve the issue.
Note: While there is an export icon shown on this screen, you are unable to export maps using this icon. This is iOS functionality that cannot be removed. To export custom imported maps, please see our FAQ article called Can I transfer custom maps between devices?
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