Despite thorough testing that occurs for each release of Avenza Maps, there are still some things that can occur that are outside of our control. The goal of this article is to help provide some of the most common issues we get requests for, and the steps to resolve them quickly and easily. As with any issue, if the steps below don't help, or you are not entirely sure what the issue is, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support using the contact form here!
Android/iOS: "Waiting to process" paused map download
What it looks like:
Background: This error message can occur due to multiple factors. These factors include:
1. When you attempt to import or download another map while another map is still attempting to process. You may see this message when you are downloading multiple maps or maps in a bundle from the Avenza Map Store. This is normal since the app will only process one map at a time and extract one map at a time. However, if you are importing another map at a later date and get this error message you likely have another map(s) that are stuck processing.
2. If your device does not contain enough device storage to store the map (and it's associated referencing) within the Avenza Maps app. Often times, when singular maps cannot download into the Avenza Maps app and is stuck processing, these cases are device specific. When users receive these messages, the device itself often does not contain enough storage to store both the map file and the referencing associated with the map.
3. The connection between your device and our servers has been interrupted and will hinder any downloads made on your device.
Solution: To address this issue, please follow these steps:
Scenario 1:
- On the maps list (My Maps) delete all maps which have failed to download properly or seem "stuck", remember to check any folders or collections
- Ensure you have a strong/stable internet connection and sufficient storage space on your device
- Reimport the map(s) onto the device
Additionally, when you are downloading please make sure that you don't navigate away from the app, it won't always properly download if the app is in the background. Also, make sure that the screen doesn't turn off or shut down the device. It won't always properly download either if the screen turns off while the app is trying to process the data.
Scenario 2:
- Does the device itself have sufficient internal storage? Ideally, 1-2 GBs of storage is still needed, as we need to process the map, which may take up space. If storage is not available for the map to process, please try freeing up some storage space, prior to attempting to download the map again.
- (For Android users) Please navigate to your device's Settings > Apps > Avenza Maps > Storage > Clear cache, as this may clear up further cache storage to allow processing for your imported Map
If these steps to not address the download issues you're experiencing, this may indicate your device is experiencing the issue as outlined in Scenario 3. Please see the Scenario 3 steps for further instruction/assistance.
Scenario 3
- Please try signing out of your Avenza Map Store account (accessed via the head/bust icon in the top corner of your My Maps page) and re-signing in. Signing out and re-signing in will re-establish communication between your device and our servers when downloading maps.
- If you could sign out and re-sign into your Avenza Map Store account, and then try downloading the map from the Avenza Map Store/Download History, this should help address the issue you're experiencing.
Android/iOS: Map Download Error
These errors can be caused by a number of things: switching devices, completed a device restore and the maps are not associated with your Avenza Maps account, login credentials that have expired, losing internet connection when the map is downloading, or exiting the app before the map download is complete.
Make sure you are logged into your Avenza Maps account and that you purchased your maps while being logged in to ensure they are associated with your account. If you or using an iOS device you can make map purchases without being logged into your Avenza Maps account, if you have done this you will need to send us your Local Purchase History so that we can get your map purchases associated with your Avenza Maps account.
- To send the Local Purchase History, please open the app and go to Settings > General > Debug Settings > Avenza Map Store Settings > Local Purchase History and email this information to
- Try logging out and logging back into the Avenza Maps app, this sometimes resets your maps and they will start downloading.
- Delete all maps that are failing to download from the My Maps page. Once all the maps have been deleted, click the head and shoulders icon at the top of the screen next to My Maps, click Download History and you should see all of your maps, you can proceed to download your maps from here.
iOS - Error: failed to process… Error: Failed to download. Tap to restart
What it looks like:
This error can be caused by a number of factors. If you have recently upgraded to a new device, and used the iCloud backup rather than encrypted backup, your login credentials are not saved. If you have purchased maps while not logged into your Avenza Maps account, the maps can be unassociated with your account, or, there was an interruption during the download process. This could also be caused by the factors causing a "Waiting to process" error (as outlined above).
First please ensure that all maps failing to download/process are in your Download History, by tapping the head/bust icon, logging in, and selecting Download History. If there are maps missing, it's likely they were purchased while not logged into an account. To fix this, please send the Local Purchase History by opening the app and going to Settings > General > Debug Settings > Avenza Map Store Settings > Local Purchase History, and email this information to us using the contact form at the top of this page.
If all the maps are located in the Download History, you can proceed to the My Maps tab, tap the three dots to the right of each map that is failing to download, and select ‘Delete’. Once completed, select the maps you wish to redownload from the Download History.
While downloading, please be sure to leave your device on (do not let the screen go to sleep), and keep the app in the foreground so that you minimize any risk of processing errors.
If these steps do not address the issue, we advise to review and try the solution steps outlined in the "Waiting to process" error section, as they may also address a failed download.
Android: "You already own this item" error message
What it looks like:
Background: This error message occurs when you make a purchase in-app (could be for a map or subscription), and the internet cuts out during the purchase. Returning to the app, the map and/or subscription that you purchased is not there, and when you reselect it, you are given the error message "You already own this item" and can't do anything further.
Solution: This issue is unfortunately a Google Play Services issue. When the internet cuts out during the purchase the transaction details are stored within the Google Play Store cache and are separate from Avenza Maps at that point. Some things we have found that can help with this are: clearing the Google Play Store and Google Play Services app data (Settings > Apps > Google Play services or Google Play Store > Storage > Clear data/cache), as well as restarting your device. Please note that any paths to clearing data/cache may differ depending on your individual device.
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