- Can I change the colour of the location icon and crosshair?
- Can I delete my Avenza Maps account?
- Can I move maps to my SD card?
- Can I transfer custom maps between devices?
- How can I get a custom symbol set in Avenza Maps?
- How can I load maps with no internet connection?
- How do I access my previously downloaded maps?
- How do I get my exported images to display correctly in Google Earth?
- What are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them?
- What are the minimum device requirements/recommendations for Avenza Maps?
- What Is the .avenzamaps file and how does it work?
- What is the difference between an Avenza Map Store Account and an Avenza Maps Subscription?
- Where can I access the legend for the Garmin DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer Maps (US States)?
- Where can I find the legend for my map?
- Why do I have a "Map not referenced" message on my map?