The Avenza Map Store Settings page provides users with a few options in order to help manage the Map Store, and as well as provide troubleshooting options.
Local Purchase History (iOS)
This provides a detailed list of all purchases made on the local device. If map purchases are made while not logged in with an Avenza Map Store account, or if there is an error with a purchase, this is required when contacting Support in order to assist with locating the transaction details.
Server Address
The current address of the Map Store. The default is set to Any changes to this can cause the Map Store to stop functioning.
Device Identifier
The unique device identifier (UDID) assigned to your device by Avenza Maps. This is what is recorded in our server, and in addition to your Map Store account, helps identify any purchases that are made, as well as devices using your account.
Map Store Interface
Allows users to choose whether to use the normal (production) map store UI or try out a beta map store interface. It is recommended that users always leave this on Production to avoid problems.
Clear Local Purchase History (Android)
Tap to clear all of the saved purchase histories on this device
Print Local Purchase History to Log (Android)
All local purchase history will be printed to the system log. This information is also recorded in the general debug log (see Debug Settings), though it is rarely needed since your purchases will already be linked to your Avenza Maps account.
Android iOS
1 comment
The directions are not valid for latest version in Android. Different screens not corresponding with actual screen on device
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