All products in the Map Store are organized to enhance the search experience for the user and find the right product to suit their needs. Products are organized in two different ways:
Categories identify what type of map you are presenting to the public. Select only one category from the following options:
Aeronautical | Educational | Geological | Historical |
Hunting & Fishing | Imagery | Nautical | Parks & Forests |
Professional | Roads | Topographic | Tourist |
Trails |
Activities identify what you can do with this map. This is an optional field from which you can choose up to five activities from the following categories:
Backroading | Camping | City Tours | Cycling |
Fishing | Flying | Forestry | Hiking |
Horseback Riding | Hunting | Off-roading | Orienteering |
Paddling | Sailing | Skiing | Snowmobiling |
Surveying |
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