Administrators for Avenza Maps Pro licenses can create temporary subscription codes using the Subscription Management site. The purpose of these codes is to allow you to designate portions of your main code for specific teams/users and allows you to specify an alternative expiration date (e.g. you have a contractor that only needs access to the Pro subscription for 1 month instead of the full year). These codes allow greater control over who has access to your Avenza Maps Pro subscription, and the duration of their access.
How to Create a Temporary Subscription Code
- Highlight the subscription in the Subscriptions table that you wish the create a temporary code for.
- Click the Expand button at the right of the Temporary Subscriptions table to view it.
- Click Add to create a new temporary subscription for the highlighted main subscription.
Edit the fields in the temporary subscription dialogue:
- Add a name to distinguish your temporary subscriptions from each other.
- Set an expiration date. It cannot exceed the expiration date of the main subscription. When a temporary code expires, the subscription is automatically revoked from all registered devices using that code.
- Set a device limit. It cannot exceed the number of remaining available device registrations for the main code since those registrations are now reserved for the temporary code until it is expired or deleted.
You can now copy and distribute your temporary code to your users however you wish. Users will register using the same registration process as using the main subscription.
Tips and Tricks
- Temporary subscriptions expire but remain in the Temporary Subscriptions table until you delete them.
- Deleting a temporary subscription will remove it from the Temporary Subscriptions table. It will also remove the devices that registered with the temporary code from your Devices table.
- Devices registered to a temporary subscription will appear differently in your Devices table.
- You can edit the expiration date and device limit of a temporary code at any time.
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